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  • Foto del escritorRubén Campos Viña

2. Day in Mexico

Actualizado: 9 may 2020

Well, it's the second day and I really want to know what will happen to us today. We went to the hotel buffet for breakfast while our guide explained what we would do that day, we went to an island that had wanted to go for a long time and one of the main reasons why we embarked on this trip.

The famous island of Cozumel which is a mostly undeveloped Mexican island in the Caribbean and is a popular cruise port, famous for its dive sites. In the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park, there are diving spots around a section of the reef and the underwater sculptures of the Underwater Museum of Art. Chankanaab is an ecological park that surrounds a lagoon with underwater caves and that houses dolphins, manatees and sea turtles.

On this day we will have various activities among them the first was to go to the San Gervasio area, an area of ​​Mayan ruins, which is beautifully preserved. This island was a place of worship for the Mayan goddess of fertility, Ix Chel, and Mayan believers traveled to venerate it during certain times of the year. San Gervasio is located in a protected park in Mexico

In Mayan cities, the city center was occupied by ceremonial and administrative complexes, surrounded by an irregular expansion of residential neighborhoods. Often the different parts of a city were connected by roadways. The main architecture of the city was made up of palaces, pyramidal temples, ceremonial ball games, and lined structures for astronomical observation. The Mayan elite knew how to read and write, and developed a complex glyphic writing system, one of the most advanced in pre-Columbian America.

The second activity that I did on the second day on the island was diving in the island's national park called: Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park, here we could see a large amount of marine flora and fauna, as well as the famous manatees, dolphins or fish of different species, I attach a gallery of the same activity.

The last activity of the second day was to carry out various types of water sports, including using jet skis and a speedboat trip.

With this last we said goodbye to the second day and returned to the hotel dusty for the exciting day.

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